Same day, no credit check financing for vehicle repairs and accessories
If you need vehicle parts or car service but don't have the immediate funds to pay for it, take advantage of a monthly payment plan using the value of your vehicle through our financing partner, Driver Capital.
It’s easy to get started! Add your basic vehicle information to our calculator and we’ll send you an email with your Max Loan Guarantee.
Step 1Calculate Your Max Loan
All you need is your vehicle information and you can either:
a. Calculate your Max Loan amount on our site using the calculator above and we will email you a guarantee code that you can bring in on your next service
b. Once here at the dealership request Driver Capital financing to pay for your service order and we will start the process for you
Step 2Submit Customer Information
Your service advisor will input the Max Loan Guarantee code and work to be done along with some additional information from you.
Step 3Service Your Vehicle
After finalizing the details, Driver Capital provides the funds to the service centre and your loan with Driver Capital starts. At this point, we begin servicing your vehicle and a GPS system may be installed.
Step 4Ongoing Communication and Support
Driver Capital will send friendly reminders of your loan payments through SMS. You’ll also be able to manage loan payments and track your vehicle through the customer portal.
Let us handle the pains of dealing with your vehicle's repairs so you can get back on the road and to what matters to you most.
Over ten thousand loans have been issued to customers like you
That’s how many service centres use Driver Capital as their preferred financing option
We’ve offered over $200,000,000 in Max Loan guarantees

Based on the value of your vehicle and the work being performed you could be eligible for as much as $10,000. You are not required to use the full loan amount you are eligible for, but the minimum loan amount is $500.
Loans can be used towards service, accessories, rims, and tires for your vehicle. Parts installed on your vehicle along with the applicable labour and taxes are eligible. * Some limitations apply.
There are no approvals! Everyone gets a maximum loan amount based on the value of their vehicle. It takes SECONDS using our Max Loan Calculator.
No worries, we don't do a credit check. All max loans are based on the value of your vehicle.
Absolutely! We encourage you to pay off your loan as soon as possible. Using the MyDC Borrower Portal to access your loan enables you to make lump sum payments or even move a payment whenever you want.